Monday night the Nashville Predators and the Predator foundation hosted a bowling event to support the fight against pediatric cancer. I left Murray Monday afternoon in hopes of meeting some fellow Pred fans, maybe grab an autograph and get me roll on. What I walked into was so much more than I was hoping for. I signed up as an individual, I had no clue who my teammates would be, but i could not have asked for better people. My team included five of the most wonderful and enthusiastic individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I had the luck of being paired with a couple (the Bauman's) who worked with the Predator's Foundation. These most generous people took be around and introduced me to people such as Coach Peterson and Tom Callahan (@predsradio). Our Teams celebrity was Michael DelGiorno of WTN who played the role of team comedian. I am ever grateful for the wisdom he passed me about the radio industry. And I con't forget our team coaches Mrs. Crisp and Mrs. Grimson. Both of these women were simply a joy to be with. I repeat, I could not have had a better team, we were eaily the most enthusiastic lane in the whole alley.
I can not say enough about the event as a whole. Ryan Ellis and Craig Smith shared the lanes with fans while all the coaches tried to return to athletic glory. The list of celebrities was outstanding, JP Dumont captained a team, Willy Daunic won most improved player, and Tom Callahan went perfect through nine on road to a 275. One of the highlights was talking Notre Dame football with Pete Weber while he was not commentating the action. Gnash was there with the infamous air horn helping bowling balls to the gutters.
This was simply an amazing night, a great cause and a ton of fun. If you get a chance to attend an event like this I reccomend it. I went to this event hoping to have some fun, I left knowing that this would be one of the highlights of my year.
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