Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Preds: Simplism

Being late to the scene I am going to conquer some of the issues of the past month.  Today's issue, the new logo.

Simplified yet still the same.  Uniquely Nashville as well as not so uniquely musical.  The new logos are a dramatic change from what they once were, taking a once colorful scheme and dulling it to look as
if the Medici's had run out of money before Michelangelo could finish his Chapel.  Taking them one by one, the Pred head has remained the same in shape but lost more color then an Irishmen going bald.  The Pred head isn't disgusting though, in fact it's quite easy on the eyes.  The guitar pick is meant to scream music city, and it does.  The only problem with this logo is the three star logo centered in the pick.  Of course the three stars represent the state of Tennessee's flag.  The problem with branding the Predators with the Tennessee flag is the location of the Predators.  The apart from the Carolina Hurricanes, there is not another NHL team in any of the surrounding states.  By branding the team with the Tennessee flag we brand the team as specifically Tennessean, not the image the team should be looking for while trying to obtain fans from other states such as Georgia, which has lots of free hockey fans right now.  As far as the word mark goes, nothing terrible here.  Not a huge change, simply the font had to match the new NP logo.  The new NP logo is big and bold, unfortunately it does not look anything like the old NP logo that was on the Third Shorts.
Overall the new logo is not terrible, it is not the way that I would have gone with it, but it will not stop me from wearing the new attire.

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